Oh, sweet: I’m on strike

It’s good to know that my work stoppage is actually part of a larger, fictional movement: “Novelists Strike Fails to Affect Nation Whatsoever.”  OK, fine, I haven’t really stopped working — does this mean I’m out of the union?  And, wait, is there a union?  With benefits?  Where do I sign up?

My novel has actually morphed a bit, into a rolling-POV monster of mid-sixties Kansan religious/military conflict.  Hoo-hah!  A barrel of fun.  I’ll be working on it every day this week.  Starting tomorrow.

Also starting soon: the NCAA tournament.  Kansas plays Portland State at 9:25 a.m. (!!) on Thursday.  I will not, I think, be getting up to see that game.  I hope it goes well for the Jayhawks; I have picked them to win, which is certainly a curse.  I’m going to open my traditional bracket competition over on either Yahoo or ESPN.  If you want in, please let me know.  The more the merrier — and the more opportunity you’ll have to mock me when all three of the schools with which I have some affiliation tank in the first round.

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